Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Hermit

Arch made of stones and a bell lead to the site where Louis Boucher came to the Canyon around 1889 to mine copper along the creek that bears his name. Boucher carved a trail into the canyon, and for years lived alone at nearby Dripping Springs and acquired the nickname, The Hermit.

Louis Boucher on his mule Calamity Jane.

Within short order, he built a trail from the rim to his dwelling.     

He erected some tents and a small corral for horses, mules, and sheep; planted a garden and an orchard.  Boucher never made a lot of money mining, but the reclusive eccentric tended to his claims in the Canyon for many years, and was a gracious host when tourists stopped by his canyon homes. 

Another hermit (me) on a trail guiding chosen guests (my brother and sister) with his favorite donkey, Aphrodite..... our family’s ancestral home in the village of Zeria (upper).  Guests are always welcome as long as they can trek the mountain paths of northern Peloponnese where Zeria is located.


  1. I would not think of you as a hermit! Calamity Jane was a female gun fighter in the old west! Doris Day portrayed her in a movie back in the late 50s or early 60s. You don't change much do you? Except for the gray hair and minus a couple of wrinkles, you look the same! Nice mule!

  2. I will check on Calamity Jane. I am sure she was a non-nonsense lady!
