Thursday, December 15, 2016

Winter boat preparation and storage

Although the winter in Greece is mild enough for year around sailing, most sailors take their boats out of the water in late November or early December.  In this photograph Okyrhoe is approaching the dock for the haul out.

A crane lifted Okyrhoe out of the water and moved her to a truck for transportation to a nearby boatyard in the port of Lavrion. 

In advance of storing the boat for the winter it is important to winterize its engine.  The oil and fuel filters need to be changed annually and the engine oil should be drained and replaced with new.  The oil should be changed while warm which is accomplished by running the engine. Changing the oil allows for the impurities that have been built up during the sailing season to be drained away.  
The impeller which is a part (rotating wheel) of the engine's cooling mechanism and the belts need to be checked annually and changed if wear and tear is noted.  Other tasks that need to be accomplished are listed below:
  • The engine needs to be flushed with fresh water and in cold climates antifreeze needs to be circulated through the manifold by using a pickup hose from the water pump to a bucket of antifreeze. Start the engine and allow the antifreeze to circulate until it exits the exhaust. 
  • The fuel tank should be filled in order to avoid a build up of condensation over the winter months and fuel stabilizer should be added. 
  • Finally the batteries should be maintained during winter either with a solar panel charger or taken out and charged with a trickle charger so that they remain at their fully charged level.

Minor adjustments are made to Okyrhoe cradle on which she will rest during the winter.

Okyrhoe rests on its cradle next to a catamaran.  The hull was pressure washed immediately after she was hauled out of the water.  In the next 3-4 months we will clean the few barnacles off props and shafts, rudder, struts and prepare its underwater hull with an antifouling paint.  In the spring we will repair minor damages in her hull, wax it and get it ready for the 2017 season. 

I wish Okyrhoe and all of you a happy Holiday Season and a good winter to those in the northern hemisphere and a good summer those down under.