Monday, January 20, 2014

Grand Canyon's Flora and Fauna.

The Grand Canyon has sustained humans, and a remarkable range of animals and plants.  Over 1,500 plant, 355 bird, 89 mammalian, 47 reptile, 9 amphibian, and 17 fish species are found in park.  The south rim of the Grand Canyon is for the most part a desert. There is no surface water to be found anywhere in the area only a few springs. The plants and animals that live on the south rim have adapted to these conditions to present the flora and fauna that you see today.

Trees like the Pinon Pine and Utah Juniper that require very little water and are very good at storing the little that happens to find their roots, do very well here. There are some groves of Douglas Fir scattered here and there.  Along with the conifers there is also a healthy population of cacti, agave and yucca plants. 

If you like nature and wildlife, this is your place to be; on any outlook point you will see hawks, golden eagles and vultures soaring on the thermals rising from the canyon. Also you can see elk, deer, squirrels, California Condors, Mountain Lions and even rattle snakes.


  1. The blueness of the sky really stands out! What a beautiful picture!

  2. You are correct. I use no filters and the camera is what comes with the iPhone in other words an unsophisticated camera. It is so blue because the air is clear and dry.
