Monday, May 5, 2014

Ohio State University Graduation Day

Congratulations to 10,200 OSU new graduates processing at the 406th commencement at Horseshoe.  Chris Matthews of MSNBC presented the commencement address.  Recipients of Honors were Barry R. Bloom, John B. Gerlach Jr. and Mac A. Stewart.  The graduates joined the body of more than 500,000 alumni who are making a difference in their communities in the US and many countries overseas.

Our graduate, in front of his father, with his sister and brothers while on vacation in the year 2000.

Mark with his siblings Chloe, John and George 14 years later at his graduation party.

Mark and Samantha, both OSU alumni, on graduation day.

His parents somewhere in the land of Illinois many years ago.

The Greek branch of the family rejoice as the graduate’s father survived untold hazards in his arduous journey in the land of Ohio.   

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow! I read your mind! I didn't see this until now! How very cool! I love the beard, it looks good on you!
