Monday, September 14, 2015

Bonifacio and the Land of Laestrygonians

Bonifacio (Corsican:  Gunifaziu) is a beautiful city in the southernmost tip of Corsica.  The city was built on high cliffs that surround a channel that serves as its harbor.  The city has two sections the Old town (Vieux Ville) and the Upper City (Haute Ville) that was built on the site of the citadel a 9th century fort that overlooks the straits of Bonifacio.   
Bonifacio has all the characteristics of the site where Ulysses had his encounter with the Laestrygonians (Greek: Λαιστρυγόνες).  Homer tells us that Odysseus and his men arrived in a dozen boats at the “rocky stronghold” known as Lamos.  The ships entered the harbor that was surrounded by steep cliffs and had a single entrance.  Odysseus kept his own ship outside the harbor and sent two of his men to make contact with the locals. The men followed a road and met a young woman who was the daughter of Antiphates, the king, and directed them to his house. However, when they got there Antiphates snatched and killed one of the men, and drank his blood.  Antiphates and thousands of Laestrygonians, who were giants, preceded launching vast rocks from the cliffs, smashing eleven of the twelve ships, and speared the men like fish.  
Odysseus made his escape due to the fact that he moored in a cove near the entrance of the harbor.  Odysseus watched in horror, as the rest of his men were lost to the cannibals. 

1 comment:

  1. Cannibals? Yikes! That can't be good! Odysseus watched in horror? Is the least that could be awful that is!
